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Custom ‘Portfolio’ Post Type and Page Templates Offered by the EDDIY Skin
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Custom ‘Portfolio’ Post Type and Page Templates Offered by the EDDIY Skin

When it comes to page templates, EDDIY has got you covered. There are three basic templates (full-width page, landing page, squeeze page) as well as a Portfolio Grid template that works with the Portfolio custom post type, an EDD Storefront template and an EDD System template.

The Portfolio custom post type is a special type of content that can be displayed on yourPortfolio Grid page with a filterable grid layout.

EDDIY Skin Page Templates

  1. Full-Width Page – This page template spans the full width of your site and does not include a sidebar area.
  2. Landing Page – The landing page removes the footer widgets & header menus to leave focus on your content.
  3. Squeeze Page – Removes the header & footer sections and leaves only a content section for your post/page.
  4. Portfolio Grid – Uses the Portfolio custom post type to create a filterable grid to display your portfolio/works.
  5. EDD Storefront – Creates a grid template with your downloads in two, three or four column layouts.
  6. EDD System – This template is for creating EDD account pages, checkout pages, login pages and more.

Portfolio Custom Post Type

The Portfolio custom post type is added to your WordPress admin menu when you activate the EDDIY skin.

Using this post type, you can create items that are filterable by their category and are displayed using the ‘TL Box ➞ Portfolio Filter Grid’ box built into EDDIY.

The shortcode offers parameters to customize number of grid columns, size of the WP Featured image, number of grid items to show and length of the feature content excerpt. This shortcode can be customized through the skin editor using the Portfolio Grid template.

Categories: Content
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• Meet the Author ➞ Thomas

My name is Thomas Soler, I'm the creator here. This is a demo site for the EDDIY Thesis Skin. EDDIY is completely integrated with the Easy Digital Downloads plugin and a very powerful, all-around theme!

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